Telecare eNewsletter August 2013
Our free monthly newsletter is distributed to 48,000 subscribers in the UK and worldwide via e-mail and archived at You can also find highlights on Prezi (monthly) or Rebelmouse (daily) or by following Mike Clark on Twitter (@clarkmike). With over 800 news and events links over the last month, we hope that you find this newsletter useful.
August is usually a quiet month for news - except for this year. The Berwick patient safety report was published, £500m is to be made available to address A&E pressures over two years. The Friends and Families Test has commenced for hospitals, so has Care Connect to capture complaints and compliments. There is more funding for research and innovation. There is news of a Surreywide remote monitoring programme, however, the Telehealth Forum survey suggests few people in the UK have heard of 'telehealth'. Videos and presentations from the recent Kings Fund Congress are now available. There are two new systematic reviews of telehealth and reports from the Birmingham OwnHealth programme. There was extensive UK (and worldwide) interest in the recent BBC2 programme on self-tracking called 'Monitor Me' - you can review it on You Tube. Autumn looks to be full of health and care activity with announcements around the integrated care pathfinders, progress on the Integrated Customer Service Platform and development of social care reforms.
There are two supplements this month covering 800 Web links and recent journal articles.
The newsletter contains a list of KTN/ALIP activities, conferences and workshops from the UK and Europe over the coming weeks as well as news from the UK and around the world. For weekly news, updates and information, you can register with the Technology Strategy Board, ALIP group and the dallas sub-group. You can follow the dallas programme on Twitter at @dallas_connect. 3 Million Lives is on Twitter at @3MillLives and also at LinkedIn.