The Amar bari, amar jibon research team welcomes a PDRA

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The ‘Amar bari, amar jibon’ (My home, my life): developing living environments for Bangladeshi elders’ research team are delighted to announce the successful recruitment of a Post-doctoral Research Associate (PDRA) to support the delivery of the pioneering 36-month long research project, funded by The Dunhill Medical Trust.

The study will focus on the entrenched housing and health inequalities of Bangladeshi elders (‘probin’ in Bangla) in East London.

Dr Mahera Ruby, PDRA at the Open University, commented:

“I look forward to bringing my extensive research and community experience to this unique and much needed project. It is exciting work as we aim to listen to the voices of the long-established ‘probin’ community to gain an insight and understanding of their current living arrangements and how this impacts their family dynamics, health, and wellbeing. 

This study intends to make a difference through communicating the findings to people and institutions holding influence to empower these local communities.”

In partnership with The Open University (OU), Bangla Housing Association (BHA), Housing LIN, and both local Bangladeshi communities and practitioners will together explore diversity and inclusion in later life living environments and communities.

The voice of this older, ‘probin’ community is seldom heard, and this research sets out to listen to them, communicate cultural preferences, and empower the community to have a greater say in local housing plans and strategies. It will develop a knowledge base of their experiences and aspirations regarding meaning of place - home, housing, and neighbourhood environments, and implications for wellbeing.

You can find out more including the full aims and objectives of the research here.

For more information on older people and diversity, please visit the Housing LIN website with useful resources including good practice examples and tools to assess whether the needs of older people from a diverse range of groups are being met.

And if you found this of interest and would like to share how you ensure housing services reflect the diversity of local population, please email us at