The Housing LIN's Jeremy Porteus wish No5 for 2023 - The inclusion of accessibility standards in Part M of the Building Regulations

Jeremy Porteus

Last week it was reported on the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities', Michael Gove MP's, Foreword in a new Policy Exchange report in which he stated that homes and neighbourhoods need more 'heart and soul' and improved design and maintenance. 

While the 'Better Places' report outlines the value of high-quality architecture and a variety of design features, there is no mention of accessibility to ensure that the design of our new homes and communities is accessible or can be adapted. 

The Housing LIN is a long-time champion of the HAPPI design principles and also a founding member of the HoME Coalition calling on improved accessible design standards and to have these reflected in Part M of the Building Regulations.

With a National Disability Action Plan now promised by the government this year, my final wish for 2023 is for it to firmly commit itself to introducing Part M 4(2) in order to 'level up' on accessibility and ensure architectural quality is achieved for all at the soonest opportunity. 

I look forward to seeing how many of my wishes come true in 2023.