The National Planning Policy Framework
The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) was published on 27 March 2012 and sets out the Coalition Government's 'presumption in favour of sustainable development'.
The Housing LIN welcomes the recognition that housing for older people, including specialised housing, is highlighted in the Framework (paragraphs 50 and 159) as part of local authorities' Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) to determine trajectory of the scale, range and tenure mix in their areas. However, housing for older people is still poorly understood by local planning authorities and there is also an urgent requirement to scale up their knowledge and expertise.
Working closely with sector experts, health and social care colleagues, the Housing LIN advocates that authorities' SHMAs should also encompass a Market Position Statements (MPS) that provides evidence of the demand, viability and the sustainability of future provision of housing for older people, including specialised housing such as extra care. These are outlined in our Strategic Housing for Older People Resource Pack (SHOP) jointly published with ADASS and can assist local authority planning authorities and providers plan, design and deliver housing that older people want. This is not about concreting the landscape with extra care housing but helping to improve the housing market and accommodation choices for older people.