The TEC Action Alliance website is live!

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The TEC Action Alliance is a group of industry partners and leading organisations working together to maximise opportunities for care technologies to support in the delivery and experience of personalised, quality care for individuals.

This support will extend to families, caregivers and workforces so they can provide optimum care underpinned with digital know-how.

We believe this will be achieved through working alongside government, NHS and Integrated Care Systems (ICSs), by strengthening the user voice, with genuine co-production and through collaboration and partnership-working with sectors Health, Housing and Social Care.

Our reach and activity will extend beyond to umbrella bodies, charities and voluntary groups in disability rights, health, social care and housing, looking at how technology can be harnessed to support the delivery of personalised, quality care out into communities.

The Housing LIN is proud to be a partner of this Alliance. Together we will affect Change and Action in TEC.