The experience of loneliness during the COVID-19 pandemic

Loneliness beyond Covid-19 cover

The Loneliness beyond Covid-19 report by Campaign to End Loneliness, explores the impact of Covid-19 on loneliness and sums up what we’ve learned from our responses, what we can expect in the future, and the opportunity this insight gives us to create a more connected recovery.

The report found that Covid-19 exacerbated existing inequalities, meaning that groups already at risk of loneliness – such as those who were poorer, in worse health or from ethnic minorities or LGBTQ+ communities – were at greater risk during the pandemic. Furthermore, those who were already lonely before the pandemic, were likely to become even more lonely.  

A number of recommendations are made at the national and local levels to ensure the structural shift in demand for loneliness support is met, while the opportunities to reduce the risk of future loneliness is taken.