The government's response to the Adult Social Care Committee report

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The government has published its formal response to the House of Lords Adult Social Care Committee report, 'A “gloriously ordinary life”: spotlight on adult social care'.

This report made a case for the central importance of the adult social care sector and the challenge of ensuring it delivers for everyone who interacts with it, either as someone who draws on, or provides, care and support, both now and in the future. It emphasised the importance of adult social care allowing everyone to live in a place they call home. The committee considered several important issues, such as reforming adult social care, improving the workforce and ensuring the personalisation of care as well as recommendation 17, which addressed issues relating to housing especially recommending mandating minimum accessible housing standards.

With regard to the latter, the government draw attention to a range of policies including the work of the Older People’s Housing Task Force and also the capital allocations in Homes England’s Affordable Housing Programme and CASSH fund. However, there is no specific response to the recommendation on accessible housing and the introduction of Part M4(2).