This week's HLINks: 10 - 14 January 2022

Jeremy Porteus

Welcome to #Jeremytalks (opens new window) and our must-read weekly bulletin, HLINks (opens new window), week-ending Friday, 14 January 2022.

This week, we published a new Housing LIN guest blog by the 'renting your own place’ research team. Funded by the National Institute for Health Research, School for Social Care Research (opens new window), this project is trying to understand the ways that people with learning disabilities who are on the ‘edges’ of social care can be better supported to access and enjoy living in their own tenancies in the community. This blog reveals what some of the key messages were from the early project findings and explains what the next stage of research involves.

We also highlight a range of items that we think will be of interest to you, including:

We're also gearing up for the beginning of the next HAPPI Hour programme! On Tuesday, 25 January from 4pm, we're so excited to be joined by Thirteen who will be discussing their approach to the Living Well project, helping people live healthy and happy lives as they age. Other HAPPI Hours to follow can be found on our Events webpage

Finally, we're anticipating the launch of the ESCR funded Diversity in Care Environments (DICE) project (opens new window), chaired by Professor Tom Scharf, Newcastle University. Led by the University of Bristol and supported by ILC-UK and the Housing LIN, join the virtual launch to find out more about the key findings on addressing social inclusion in a housing with care setting.

Keep up-to-date with the latest on housing and care matters and register here (opens new window) to receive other notifications of your choice, sent direct to your inbox. And remember you can also follow us via our Twitter feeds: @HousingLIN (opens new window), @HLINComms (opens new window) and @HLINConsult (opens new window).

If you would like to talk to us about any matters highlighted in this week’s issue, share learning about your work and/or discuss how you can engage our highly regarded consultancy services (opens new window) to support you, email  ‘Jeremy talks’ at: (opens new window)

Stay connected and, above all, remain safe.
