This week’s HLINks: 10 – 14 May 2021

Jeremy Porteus

#Jeremytalks (opens new window)

Welcome to #Jeremytalks (opens new window) and our must-read weekly bulletin, HLINks, week-ending Friday, 14th May 2021. 

This week was #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek and, to coincide, we published a selection of guest blogs on mental health and the impact for older residents in retirement living from Adam Harwood at Central & Cecil, Thor Leaman at Clarion Housing Group and the Mental Health Foundation’s Jolie Goodman. Jolie talked about #MHAW21 (opens new window) and their Standing Together Wales project at this week’s HAPPI Hour alongside Angelina Morgan from Look Ahead and architect, Ekkist’s Ben Channon.

In other news, this week’s Queen’s Speech set out the government’s agenda for the year ahead. It included a commitment that “proposals for social care reform will be brought forward” but did not specifically refer to the long-promised Social Care Green Paper. However, there was mention of the call for integrated care systems in a new health and social care bill and the reform of planning.

You can also take a tour of other news and events on later life housing and independent living with regard to homes and communities, health and social care, design and technology, planning matters and more. We feature a range of items that we think will be of interest to you, including the social media day of action from the Housing Made for Everyone Coalition in support of the #ForAccessibleHomes (opens new window) campaign.

And, if you have been joining in our popular HAPPI Hour sessions (opens new window), they continue next week with a free webinar to coincide with Dementia Awareness Week. Register to listen, watch and hear Care and Repair England, Foundations and the Royal College of Occupational Therapists share their insights into the recent APPG Inquiry report on housing and dementia, especially in relation to retrofitting and adapting our existing homes.

Check all the latest news and register here (opens new window) to keep in touch with all our alerts and other notifications of your choice, sent direct to your inbox. And remember you can also follow us via our Twitter feeds: @HousingLIN (opens new window),  @HousingLINews (opens new window) and @HLINConsult (opens new window).

Lastly, if you would like to talk to us about any matters highlighted in this week’s issue, share learning about your work and/or discuss how you can engage with our highly regarded consultancy services, email ‘Jeremy talks’ at:

You can also listen to #Jeremytalks… here (opens new window)

Stay connected and, above all, with lockdown easing even further, stay safe.

And Eid Mubarak to all who are celebrating.

The Housing LIN would like to thank Willmott Dixon for their support in producing this newsletter.