This week’s HLINks: 13-17 July 2020
Jeremy talks….
Welcome to Jeremy talks and my weekly piece to audio to coincide with the Housing LIN's weekly bulletin, HLINks, week ending 17 July.
This week I was pleased to speak at two influential events: the first a webinar organised by ILC-UK, in partnership with the DICE Project and the LIN, on combatting loneliness in extra care called, ‘In it together: Making housing for older adults more inclusive’ and – the second, as a panellist on the APPG on Health and Housing’s virtual session on the impact of poor quality housing on health inequalities. I also presented virtually two HAPPI Awards at the 2020 Housing Design Awards. There were lots of strong contenders but the winning schemes were submitted by Quad Architects for Audley Stanbridge Earls (a project award) and PRP Architects for Grants Hill House (a completed scheme award). HAPPI days!
In other news, ahead of a promised Planning White Paper, we have also put our name to a letter along with leading retirement housing sector trade and professional bodies calling on the Secretary of State for Housing, Robert Jenrick MP, to review housing for older people as part of the forthcoming planning reforms to be announced.
And on the publications’ front, we feature three very different guest blogs that reflect the interests of our broad membership. They include one from James Bullion, the new President of ADASS on his key adult social care and housing asks of government, one by Becky Walker, Oxford City Council’s Home Improvement Agency Manager on their rapid discharge grant programme and, the last. by Suzanne Noble from Silver Sharers on lodging.
To read these, and a round-up of relevant news and events on housing, health and social care matters, check out our latest weekly bulletin on our website or register online to receive our alerts and other notifications of your choice sent direct to your inbox.
And, if you would like to talk with us about any matters highlighted and/or share learning about your work, email ‘Jeremy talks’ at:
You can also listen to Jeremy talks… here
Best wishes and stay safe,
This week HLINks also includes:
- a round-up of latest/updated Covid-19 resources and guidance relevant to the sector
- Annoucement of the 2020 Housing Design Awards HAPPI winners
- Getting ready for VJ Day on 15 August – Get engaged
- In association with Tetlow King Planning, the updated Older People’s Care Development – Local Development Plan Monitoring
- our usual a round-up of news headlines and new resources on housing, ageing, design and technology, planning, health and care, calls for information, and
- next week we publish a new blog by Trude Silman on her experiences living in housing association sheltered housing during the pandemic. And, following Jeremy’s blog on ‘work ready’ HAPPI, the Housing LIN has been working with an international consortia of academic and non-academic partners to found the WorkHome Project. To coincide, watch out for our new dedicated webpages on designing for working from home.
The Housing LIN would like to thank Willmott Dixon for their support in producing this newsletter.