This week’s HLINks: 22-26 June 2020
Jeremy talks….
I couldn’t resist sharing this message I received on Wednesday afternoon.....
“Great conference, thought it went really well. Strong content and seamless technology. We may have just seen the future of conferencing!”
Ed Warner, Motionspot
This week’s virtual conference, Recover / Reset / Regenerate, with Foundations and ADASS, was indeed a great success. With over 900 people registered to watch and listen over the day, we were treated to a feast of top speakers from housing, homelessness, health and adult social care, starting with a video message from Housing and Homeless Minister, Luke Hall MP.
A joint post-conference briefing capturing the key messages of lessons learned under COVID-19 and recommendations to government to rebuild is being prepared. However, what came across to me was the importance of listening to the voice of people with lived experience in order to tackle inequalities and improve the quality of our housing, care and support.
As James Bullion, the new President of ADASS set out in his address: we want greater housing rights to protect the most vulnerable and prevent homelessness; smarter choices to support people at home with access to appropriate care, technology, aids and adaptations; more supply of age-friendly HAPPI designed housing, including expanded provision of extra care housing; closer working across social care, health & housing as set out in the cross-sector MoU; and a funded housing approach to transforming care to achieve the housing support demands by people with complex needs. To this end, we are delighted to sign up to the NHF’s Homes at the Heart campaign calling for more investment in social housing, including where it delivers better health outcomes.
If you would like to talk with us about any matters highlighted and/or share learning about your work, email:
And you can now also listen to Jeremy talks… here (opens new window)
This week HLINks also includes:
- our updated Factsheet no 6 ‘Design Principles for Extra Care Housing’, which describes key design principles and issues to consider when developing a brief for a new Extra Care Housing development.
- A new HLIN COVID-19 Practice Briefing - Supporting Residents in Retirement Housing and Extra Care Housing who experience Loneliness
- a round-up of latest/updated Covid-19 resources and guidance relevant to the sector
- our usual a round-up of news headlines and new resources on housing, ageing, design and technology, planning, health and care, calls for information, and
- next week, we look forward to promoting a new digital survey on behalf of Appello and releasing 2 new COVID-19 related guest blogs as well as. The first on Care Hotels by PRP’s Anne-Marie Nicholson on the scope for their development to provide a better step down facility for older adults following a hospital stay, And, the second, Thirteen’s Chris Smith, on the value of sheltered housing under lockdown.
The Housing LIN would like to thank Willmott Dixon for their support in producing this newsletter.