This week's HLINks: 22 - 26 May 2023

Jeremy Porteus headshot 112 x 112

Happy Friday!

This week, we were pleased to publish a new Housing LIN Case Study, written by Stephen Maraj, Sales Manager at Saffron Housing Trust, on their mixed tenure extra care housing scheme, Swallowtail Place

We were delighted to publish the case study ahead of Tuesday's HAPPI Hour webinar, Shared Ownership for our Ageing Population (SO HAPPI), with Lord Best and a fantastic line-up of guest speakers! Missed it? Watch the recording and access the slides here!

This week also marked the first North East ADASS event, "My Home, My Care, My Way," held in Durham in collaboration with our TAPPI partner, Tec Services Asspcoatopm (TSA). The event focused on integrated care, proactive services, community response, co-production, and housing innovation.

In addition, with inadequate national dementia friendly housing policy direction and limited investment in dementia training for housing professionals, the Dementia and Housing Working Group relaunches as the only national group taking this agenda forward.

And, as long-term supporters of the Housing LIN, we were delighted to announce that St Monica Trust officially comes on board as a corporate sponsor of the Housing LIN’s South West webpages and newly reformed South West region Leadership Set. Read the full story here.

What else caught my interest:

Finally, we're always eager to hear your stories and receive your case studies and thought leadership on good practices. If you would like to contribute, email us at:

Stay connected, stay curious!

Jeremy Porteus