This week's HLINks: 24 - 28 July 2023

Jeremy Porteus headshot 112 x 112

Welcome to #JeremyTalks (opens new window), the last before our August news break.

This week, we shared two new Housing LIN guest blogs. The first by Debra Edwards, a co-production champion for (TAPPI) on The power of co-production, and the second was by Gavin Bashar, UK Managing Director at Tunstall Healthcare, on Preparing for digital transformation with SaaS

We were delighted to host our final HAPPI Hour webinar of the series with some incredible guest speakers on moving from vertical to horizontal integration. The Spring/Summer series included 10 engaging sessions, welcomed 50 inspiring speakers, and celebrated over 1300 registrations! Thank to you all those who participated. 

And, on Thursday, we hosted the first Future Leaders Programme get-together. We were delighted to be joined by Lawrence Cramer, People & Culture Director at IVG, Jack Baldan, Housing Investment Officer at Waltham Forest Council and last year's participant, and Jamie Bunce, the CEO at IVG. Find out what went on!

What else caught my interest?

Finally, HLINks will return on Friday, 15th September. In the meantime, keep up-to-date with our Latest News webpage and via Twitter (opens new window) and LinkedIn (opens new window).

Have a good summer!

Jeremy Porteus