This week's HLINks: 26 - 30 June 2023

Jeremy Porteus headshot 112 x 112

Welcome to #JeremyTalks (opens new window),

This week, we were delighted to attend CIHs Housing 2023 in Manchester where we participated in the specialist housing stream and supported the TEC Theatre sessions with our TAPPI partner, the TEC Services Association (TSA). Find out what went on in this week's TAPPI Cast.

We also published two new Housing LIN guest blogs. The first, by Mario Ambrosi, Director of Communications and Marketing at Anchor and Chair of Housing and Ageing Alliance (HAA) on his vision for HAA and the older people's housing sector. The second by Emma Mahy, CEO & Founder of IoT Solutions Group, who highlights the growing traction in TEC for interoperability between housing and social care.

And, whilst we were in Manchester, we hosted a small invite-only roundtable with Legrand on the links between housing, health and social care, and assistive technology. We were joined by Zoe Robertson from Manchester City Council and author of our most recent case study on neighbourhood apartments.

What else caught my interest:

Finally, we're always eager to hear your stories and receive your case studies and thought leadership on good practices. If you would like to contribute, email us at:

Stay connected, stay curious!

Jeremy Porteus