This week’s HLINks: 28 September - 2 October 2020

Jeremy Porteus


Welcome to Jeremy talks and my weekly piece to audio to coincide with the Housing LIN's free weekly bulletin, HLINks, week ending Friday, 2 October 2020.

As trailed in HLINks last week, this Thursday was UN International Day for Older Persons and, to coincide, we held a fabulous HAPPI Hour with leading gerontologists Professor Sarah Harper from Oxford University and Professor Tom Scharf of Newcastle University, along with Guild Living's Stop Ageism campaign (opens new window), to explore whether our sectors is age-friendly or age-unfriendly and what this means for our homes and communities. The Housing LIN is also proud to be a member of the Stop Ageism campaign (opens new window) which was officially launched this week.

In other news, this week also saw Appello release their third report on digital technology and supported housing, drawing on the findings from our joint survey with them. It predicts that 2021 will see significant steps forward in the delivery of TECS as service users become more technology aware and the telecoms landscape moves closer to being completely digital.

And following my blog on work ready HAPPI at the start of the pandemic, I have updated it 6 months on for the Workhome Project taking the opportunity to review the 10 HAPPI design principles for work readiness.

In this week’s HLINks, you can also read our curated round-up of other relevant news and events on later life living with regard to homes and communities, health and social care, design and technology, planning matters and more, including a new housing report on the older LGBT+ community in London.

Check this out and register here to keep in touch with all our news alerts and other notifications of your choice, sent direct to your inbox. And remember you can also follow us via our Twitter feeds: @HousingLIN, @HousingLINews and @HLINConsult

Lastly, if you would like to talk to us about any matters highlighted, share learning about your work and/or discuss how our consultancy services can assist you, email ‘Jeremy talks’ at:

You can also listen to Jeremy talks… here

Best wishes and stay connected and be safe,


This week HLINks also includes:

  • a round-up of latest/updated Covid-19 resources and guidance relevant to the sector
  • our usual a round-up of news headlines and new resources on housing, ageing, design and technology, planning, health and care, calls for information
  • In association with Tetlow King Planning, the updated Older People’s Care Development – Local Development Plan Monitoring
  • Housing LIN virtual networking events – join us for HAPPI Hour!

Next week we publish a guest blog by Lifestyle by Engie’s Paula Broadbent and a new Inspirational Achievements page by L&Q Living that showcases how they have supported residents and coped organisationally during the pandemic. We also feature the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations’ recent toolkit on Inclusive Living at our HAPPI Hour on Thursday, 8 October. Drinks not included!

The Housing LIN would like to thank Willmott Dixon for their support in producing this newsletter.

Stay connected, stay well and, above all, be safe!