This week's HLINks: 29 - 2 June 2023

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Welcome to #JeremyTalks (opens new window),

This week, we released two new Housing LIN Viewpoints. The first, with the Older People’s Housing Task Force in mind, is written by Tony Watts OBE, writer and co-founder of the Age Action Alliance, on the consumer's perspective on housing an ageing population

And, to coincide with Dementia Awareness Week in Scotland, our next Viewpoint by Cardiff University's Rebecca Oatley and the University of Worcester’s Teresa Atkinson presents valuable insights from The DemECH project.

On Tuesday, we held a captivating HAPPI Hour session with Brunelcare on Supporting People in Social Housing and the Cost of Living Crisis. If you missed it, the recording is now available here

And on Thursday, we held our Housing LIN Cymru Steering Board meeting in Pontypool, Wales. We were joined by guest speakers Mary Morgan and Neil Penny from NHS Gloucestershire/Gloucestershire County Council and Gareth Morgan from Hywel Dda Health Board.

Other items that caught my interest:

Finally, we're always eager to hear your stories and receive your case studies and thought leadership on good practices. If you would like to contribute, email us at:

Stay connected, stay curious

Jeremy Porteus