This week's HLINks: 6 - 10 March 2023

Jeremy Porteus

Let's kick off with a recap of the Housing LIN Summit - A Festival of Ideas, which exceeded all expectations! Thank you to all our sponsors, speakers, and attendees for making it a success. Access recordings, slides, chat report, and feedback here.

We also published two new resources to coincide with the Summit, including a guest Housing LIN blog on leadership basics and a new Housing LIN case study on Red Oak Court in Dorset.

This Tuesday, I attended the Dementia in Extra Care Housing (DemECH) research launch at the House of Lords where three new Key DemECH Insight Booklets were formally launched during a reception hosted by Lord Best, Chair of the APPG Inquiry into Housing for People with Dementia.

I was also delighted to participate in the National Academy for Social Prescribing (NASP) show on Social Prescribing Day to promote our recent report in collaboration with NASP and HACT.

Other items that caught my interest over the last two weeks include:

Lastly, we are always keen to hear stories, receive your good practice case studies and thought leadership. If you would like to contribute, email us at: (opens new window).