This week’s HLINks: 7 - 11 June 2021

Jeremy Porteus

 #Jeremytalks (opens new window)

Welcome to #Jeremytalks and our must-read weekly bulletin, HLINks, week-ending Friday, 11th June 2021. 

This week we published two guest blogs. The first is by Aileen Evans, CEO of Grand Union HA and President of the Chartered Institute of Housing (who was also a member of the RE-COV Advisory Group), in which she reflects on the findings from the study and our research with St Monica Trust on the impact of Covid on the retirement village and extra care housing sector. The second blog is by Professor Roy Sandbach, chair of our TAPPI Inquiry, who has transcribed the presentation he gave at the AGM of Lord Best's APPG last month, sharing his thoughts on why technology in later life matters.

And yesterday, over 150 people joined our latest HAPPI Hour session on a roadmap to housing for an ageing population. We heard from a selection of regional contributions from English housing associations including: Clarion Group, Southway Housing Trust, South Yorkshire Housing Association and Methodist Homes.  Each shared their individual strategic and operational objectives in planning, developing and managing a range of housing choices for people in later life. 

You can also take a tour of other news and events on later life housing and independent living with regard to homes and communities, health and social care, design and technology, planning matters and more. We highlight a range of items that we think will be of interest to you, including:

Keep up-to-date with the latest on housing and care matters and register here (opens new window) to receive other notifications of your choice, sent direct to your inbox. And remember you can also follow us via our Twitter feeds: @HousingLIN (opens new window),  @HousingLINews (opens new window) and @HLINConsult (opens new window)

Lastly, if you would like to talk to us about any matters highlighted in this week’s issue, share learning about your work and/or discuss how you can engage our highly regarded consultancy services to support you, email ‘Jeremy talks’ at: (opens new window)

You can also listen to #Jeremytalks… here (opens new window)

Stay connected and, above all, with further lockdown arrangements expected to come into force later this month, remain safe.


The Housing LIN would like to thank Willmott Dixon for their support in producing this newsletter.