Visualising Putting People First
Launched at the annual National Children's and Adult Services conference in Harrogate in October 2009, these three films provide a useful resource that are informative, will introduce, explain and visualise some of the key themes within 'Putting People First'.
Commissioned by DH Care Networks in the Putting People First Delivery Team at the Department of Health, they draw on a shared vision and commitment to the transformation of Adult Social Care in England. In particular, the three short films outline some of the practical steps that have already been taken towards implementing change.
- Clip 1 - Transforming Adult Social Care
This 4 minute clip explains the key themes at the heart of 'Putting People First' and explores what we mean by 'Early Intervention & Prevention', 'Choice and Control', 'Social Capital' and 'Universal Services - the four quadrants in 'Putting People First'. - Clip 2 - A Vision of Choice and Control
This 6 minuteclip identifies ways in which our attitudes towards adult social care are changing. It also looks at ways of developing a shared vision and at how different people can be involved in planning and shaping the services they seek. - Clip 3 - Leadership & Partnership
This clip 6 minute takes a look at the pivotal role of leadership in the process of change and shows how partnerships between service users, local authorities and other agencies can help to transform social care.
Filmed on location around the country, the films include first hand observations from several service users, and local authority, PCT and housing representatives. In addition, there are important contributions from David Behan, Director General, Social Care at the Department of Health; John Bolton, Director of Strategic Finance at the Department of Health; Jeff Jerome, National Director of Social Care Transformation; and Julie Jones, Chief Executive of the Social Care Institute for Excellence.
Jeremy Porteus, National Programme Lead, DH Care Networks said, "these bite-sized clips are an excellent way for commissioners, users of services and everyone involved in the transformation of social care to quickly get to grips with Putting People First and agree outcomes that can be achieved."