What's your experience and journey with equality, diversity and inclusion in the sector?

Housing Diversity Day cover

Hosted by the Housing Diversity Network and Tower Hamlets Homes, Housing Diversity Day 2022 is an annual awareness day and opportunity to share your experiences and journey with equality, diversity and inclusion in the sector.

We are therefore delighted to draw attention to a range of examples and resources to help inspire and support one another's learning and form a library that we can all draw from in our diversity journey.

The Diversity In Care Environments (DICE) Project 

The Diversity In Care Environments (DICE) Project was a two-and-a-half-year study funded by the Economic and Social Research Council. Its broad aim was to explore the social inclusion of older people from socially diverse backgrounds living in housing with care and support schemes in England and Wales in order to benefit social wellbeing, bolster against social exclusion, social isolation and marginalisation, and promote social cohesion in housing with care and support schemes. 

The project was conducted by the School for Policy Studies, University of Bristol, in collaboration with the International Longevity Centre-UK and the Housing LIN.

‘Amar bari, amar jibon’

Launched on the Bangladeshi Independence Day on Saturday, 26 March 2022, ‘Amar bari, amar jibon’ (My home, my life): developing living environments for Bangladeshi elders, is a pioneering 36-month long research project that will focus on the entrenched housing and health inequalities of Bangladeshi elders (‘probin’ in Bangla) in East London boroughs of Hackney, Newham and Tower Hamlets.

This study will explore values, perceptions and aspirations regarding current and future housing and question how age, housing and living arrangements interact and affect health and quality of life of the Bangladeshi ‘probin’ community in Hackney, Newham and Tower Hamlets in East London.

Diversity Matters

Housing services need to reflect the diversity of local populations. The information hosted on the Housing LIN's Diversity Matters webpages is intended to help service commissioners and providers understand relevant policy and practice issues.

The webpages include examples of good practice and tools to assess whether the needs of older people from a diverse range of groups are being met.