Why aren’t more people rightsizing?

Moving on: could later living be the answer to the housing crisis? cover

New research shows that the majority of people believe that rightsizing to a home that better suits their needs is either unaffordable, reserved for the point of health crisis, or simply a ‘problem for when I’m older’.

We worked with Shakespeare Martineau and registered providers from across the county on a white paper addressing the reasons why people are put off from rightsizing and what needs to be done to address these concerns, alleviate the burden on the NHS and increase availability of family homes.

Louise Drew, Partner and Head of the Building Communities team at Shakespeare Martineau solicitors, chaired the opening session of this year’s Housing LIN Summit – A Festival of Ideas. The session titled Last time movers and shakers: Market shaping older people's housing shared and reflected on the ‘housing lifecycle’ findings from this White Paper with expert speakers from the consumer sector, academia and the social and private sector extra care/retirement living market.