Watch Factory
Knowsley Housing Trust
Description of Scheme
The Watch Factory development reflects what people tell us is important to them:
- Your own front door to the outside world
- Security
- Continuity of service provider and staff
- Ability to keep in touch with Family and for family to have access to facilities
- Assistive Technology
- 2 bedrooms with room to live and accommodate 'normal' furniture
- Communal Gardens
The design and layout of the scheme has looked at how to optimise the opportunity to improve Quality of Life for the residents and the wider neighbourhood. The scheme has ensured that the principles of the Happi Report highlighted in bold below, have been incorporated.
The scheme is to be developed in two phases:
Phase 1 - building design includes 70 new homes providingextra care and support for older people incorporating 54 apartments in the existing building and 16 bungalows of which 6 are identified for sale on a shared ownership basis.
Phase 2, which is not included in this bid will see a further 62 new affordable homes which again will be able to link into the services and facilities provided from the Extra Care hub.
The homes have been designed to Code for Sustainable Homes level 3 and incorporate 'Energy efficient and sustainable design'. It is anticipated that local residents can link into the services provided from a central hub of 'Shared Facilities' which houses a communal lounge and dining areas, multi-functional room, spa and treatment area, hair salon and assisted bathing as well as facilities for staff who will be providing on site care and support ensuring that the new homes are 'Care Ready'.
The design incorporates assistive technology throughout the scheme, in particular telehealth services and the low and extreme heat sensors developed by Knowsley Borough Council in partnership with Chubb to reduce winter deaths and over use of heating systems.
The Just Checking System will support people to stay as independent as possible for as long as possible while retaining independence and promoting health and wellbeing.
Where Is It?
The surrounding neighbourhood is a well established residential area which is made up of Georgian and Victorian terraces alongside Private Developer new build and 1950s council estates. There is an active high street which has recently been awarded Town Centre Heritage Funding.
Key Information
Local Social Services Authority
Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council
North West
Year Funded
DH Fund
Local shops including supermarkets, pharmacist, GPs Library, Recreational facilities are within walking distance of the scheme.Relevant Local Strategy
The Strategic Housing Market Assessment 2010, Knowsley Housing Strategy 2011 -2014 Housing Choices and KHT Strategic Priorities has identified that older person's accommodation is a priority.
This is reflected in the demand for the one and two bedroomed properties on the overall waiting list, specifically, these should be mangageable and accessible home with access to additional support from low to high level support.
The population of Knowsley is expected to increase by 15.1% between 2009 - 2019. Over the 10 year period that is an additional 7,500 people by 2019. The greatest proportional increase is anticipated to occur in the 85 and over age group where an additional 1,200 people are expected to be residing in the Borough (a 51.5% increase).
Care Services
24 hour on-site care team.Facilities
In addition to the supporting facilities there will be 24 hour on site presence and the support from a personal care team that will provide the relevant support based on individual care needs.
In line with the HAPPI report there is a focus on 'Balconies and Outdoor Space' the landscaping incorporates secluded internal communal gardens designed with circular walkways that provide wheelchair access throughout.
Also on-site there is a: hairdresser, restaurant and communal areas and rooms for social activities, providing opportunities to explore new and existing hobbies and interests whilst also acting as part of the community.
Key Features
16 bungalows.
PDF Downloads
Albany Road,Prescot,
Scheme Location Map
Housing Provider
Knowsley Housing Trust
PRP Architects
Local Social Services Authority
Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council