Care and Support at Home
With an increasing emphasis on innovative new models of person-centred care and support at home, these pages provide useful tools, resources and examples of innovative approaches to enabling older people and people with disabilities to live well and independently in their own homes.
The resources on these pages are segmented into 9 key areas for adult social care commissioners, housing and care providers, primary care services and NHS hospital trusts on shaping, commissioning, funding, and delivering a range of planned and self-care and support solutions for people living in their own homes.
Key Care and Support at Home Subjects
Assessment and planning
The Care Act 2014 emphasises the importance of involving individuals in all aspects of their care and support. Find a range of useful resources on assessment and care and support planning for professionals involved in these processes.
Commissioning and procurement
Policy, practice examples and resources to aid commissioners and providers to develop care and support services based on local need and aspirations, while supporting people to live fulfilling and independent lives in their own homes.
Innovative service provision
Examples of innovative service models, many illustrating an integrated approach to service provision.
Co-production and communities
Many initiatives led by or involving housing providers illustrate the value of facilitating community development, co-production and user-led provision. Find top tips, studies and examples on the benefits and challenges of these approaches.
Prevention and quality outcomes
These pages contain information on approaches designed to improve the quality of services and outcomes for the growing number of older and disabled people in the UK, supporting them to live well and independently in their own home.
Adult Safeguarding
The Care Act 2014 makes it clear that the housing sector has an important contribution to make in safeguarding its customers, working in co-operation with the local authority and others in the public, private or voluntary sectors.
Bereavement & End of Life Care
Find resources intended to raise awareness amongst housing and care practitioners and providers of the current agendas and developments in practice around bereavement support and end of life care.
Home services locator
EAC's directory of Home Services. This comprehensive database covers known provision of care and support services for older and vulnerable people at home in the UK.
Loneliness and Isolation
These pages showcase relevant guidance and policy instruments, useful research findings and examples of services and innovative projects that offer practical solutions in combatting loneliness and reducing social isolation.
Key Resources
The State of Health and Care of Older People in England 2023
A report by Age UK documents how our health and care system is struggling to meet the needs of our ageing population. It calls for significant reform in community health and social care for older people, and the “hospital-orientated” approach abandoned, in order to stop the NHS buckling under the weight of an ageing population.
Care and Support Reimagined: a National Care Covenant for England
In this report, the Archbishops’ Commission on Reimagining Care sets out three actions to a new vision for care and support: rethinking attitudes to care and support; rebalancing roles and responsibilities; and redesigning the social care system.
Adult Social Care Reform White Paper: People at the Heart of Care
This white paper sets out a 10-year vision for adult social care and provides information on funded proposals that we will implement over the next 3 years.
Supported housing: national statement of expectations
This Government statement of expectations sets out guidelines for local authorities and supported housing providers, detailing good practice for the housing management aspects of supported housing provision.
Statutory guidance to support local authorities implement the Care Act 2014
The Department of Health has refreshed the Care and Support statutory guidance that supports implementation of part 1 of the Care Act 2014 by local authorities, the NHS, the police and other partners.
Care and Support in Housing with Care for Older People: Policy Technical Brief
This Housing LIN Policy Technical Brief covers changes in the national policy framework since the 2010 Technical Brief on care and support in Extra Care Housing was written.
Growing Older Together: An Overview of Collaborative Forms of Housing for Older People
This Housing LIN Case Study Report shows how collaborative models of service delivery for older people are now being widely adopted in the heath and care sectors and suggests that housing could do more to embrace this.
Developing your local housing offer for health and care
Updated in 2016, this tool acknowledges the significance of housing as a partner and contributor to achieving the aims of health and social care services.
End of life care in extra care housing - learning and resource pack for housing, care and support staff
A resource pack full of practical advice, case studies and links to useful resources about all aspects of end of life from prognosis, conversations about dying and person centred planning through to important considerations after death.
Consultancy banner
Building on the Housing LIN’s learning and improvement ethos, we offer bespoke advice to help your organisation draw on the lessons highlighted on these pages. To find out how the Housing LIN can support your operational and/or strategic plans, please contact us at or visit our consultancy pages.
Latest Resources
- Falls and their impact on social housing: RoSPA toolkit
- Better homes, better lives: The role of home improvement services in boosting the nation’s health and wellbeing
- Supported Housing regulation: consultation
- Telecare National Action Plan, Protecting telecare users throughout the digital switchover journey
- Finding a safe home after hospital: Case study research on supported housing and health partnerships
- Learning from Severe Maladministration: Lessons from the Housing Ombudsman Service
- Innovating for independence: a win-win for health and social care
- Better Care Fund policy framework 2025 to 2026
- Housing in Wales: Evidence for Welsh Government 2021-26
- High Impact Change Model: Improving the timely and effective discharge of people with dementia and delirium into the community