Adult Safeguarding

The Care Act 2014 has put safeguarding of adults at risk of abuse and neglect onto a statutory footing for the first time. The Act makes it clear that the housing sector has an important contribution to make in safeguarding its customers, working in co-operation with the local authority and others in the public, private or voluntary sectors. The safeguarding principles defined in the Care Act Guidance are:

  • empowerment
  • prevention
  • proportionality
  • protection
  • partnership and
  • accountability

The Mental Capacity Act 2005 and deprivation of liberty issues are fundamental to safeguarding those with impaired mental capacity. We provide an extensive range of resources relating to these topics.

If you or your organisation require training, we have teamed up with 360 Degrees Training to exclusively offer an extremely inter-active course, covering all that staff need to know in respect of working with people who might, at some time in their lives, lack capacity. Learn more at: Introduction to the Mental Capacity Act 2005 or email us at: (opens new window)

HSAA logo

The Housing and Safeguarding Adults Alliance (opens new window) web-pages, hosted by the Housing LIN, contain material on the safeguarding responsibilities of the housing sector, including presentations, checklists and good practice examples developed by members of the Alliance. These include a number of resources relating specifically to the Care Act.

These and the Alliance web-pages include relevant resources on safeguarding policy and practice. All are intended to help to improve understanding and practice within the housing sector and amongst health and social care professionals in order to achieve more effective partnership working to safeguard adults in need. The resources will be of particular interest to housing providers, local authority safeguarding leads and chairs of Safeguarding Adults Boards.