Market Shaping: Commissioning and procurement of care and support at home

The Care Act places a duty on the local authority to promote diversity and quality in provision of services. To achieve this, it is recognised that an holistic approach needs to be taken which seeks not only to develop health and social care services but also to recognise the important contribution that the housing and other sectors can make.

The way in which services are commissioned, procured and funded is evolving all the time in response to changes in the policy framework and economic and social context, including demography. There is a greater emphasis on outcome-based and joint commissioning, service-user involvement at a service-development level and self-funding.

These pages include policy, practice examples, tools and other resources to aid commissioners and providers to develop a wide range of care and support services based on local need and aspirations, which support people to live fulfilling and independent lives in their own homes. We also include resources relevant to the forthcoming Social Care Green Paper, now due autumn 2018.