Prevention, promoting quality and outcomes

Supporting people to live well and independently in their own home meets the wishes of the growing number of older and disabled people in the UK, and in most cases will cost the public purse less than care in a care home or hospital. Section 2 of the Care Act 2014 requires local authorities to provide or arrange services, facilities or resources, or take other steps in order to prevent or delay the development of needs for care or support amongst adults and their carers living in their area, or reduce these needs. This duty applies whether or not people have care and support needs. Housing-related and home-based resources can contribute to all three levels of prevention: promoting wellbeing, early intervention and intermediate care or re-ablement.

These pages contain information on approaches designed to improve the quality of services and outcomes for people. Many involve a multi-disciplinary and cross-sector approach. They cover visions of how the future could and should look, and tools and ideas for how to get there. Many include case examples of innovative practice for illustrative purposes. Straight forward case studies and examples of innovative services are located on the "Service Provision and Innovative Delivery" page.

The resources will be of value to commissioners and providers working together seeking to develop innovative approaches.