Age-friendly Communities and Lifetime Neighbourhoods

The concept of Lifetime Neighbourhoods is driven by two factors:
- The increasing number and proportion of people who live into old age and whose independence can be limited by problems such as disability and isolation
- Recognition that suitable housing only goes so far in maintaining health and wellbeing. The neighbourhoods in which homes are located provide resources that people need such as transport, shops, social contact, involvement in local issues and services, information and access to green space
Policy makers are paying more attention to factors such as:
- How attractive, safe and easy it is to take exercise near to home
- How common space can be designed to encourage people to meet and spend time with others
- The best ways to encourage people of all ages to share facilities without conflict or fear
- How small changes can make journeys outside home easier e.g. toilets, seating, lighting, signage and traffic control
- How citizens of all ages are involved in designing and improving their communities
- The role of information technology in linking people and services
Below we highlight some resources related to Lifetime Neighbourhoods/Age-friendly communities.