Health and Housing - Health Intel
With a drive towards integration, on these 'Health Intel' pages we pull together selected documents that highlight the high impact changes between the NHS and housing at a national policy and at an operational level, whether with the acute sector, primary care/community health or public health. They are broken down by a range of topics to help traverse different aspects of the health and housing landscape.
The Housing LIN is also pleased to be a signatory of the Health and Housing Memorandum of Understanding. In addition, we support the Town and Country Planning Association’s Healthy Homes Pledge.
Key Health and Housing Subjects
Coronavirus Info Hub
With the escalating incidence of coronavirus in the UK, it is essential for those working in our sector are fully aware of the seriousness of COVID-19 and the risk to both our own lives and the public at large.
Health Dashboard
This resource has a variety of useful datasets and tools that public health teams, primary care and acute health services use to better understand local health inequalities. It can also help you and your partners measure demand on planned and unplanned care and/or predict patient pathways.
Health Policy
Access information on the new health landscape and what factors local commissioners and clinicians are looking at to deliver better health and wellbeing outcomes. It explains the new models of care highlighted in the NHS five Year Forward View.
You can find here the latest guidance, tools, case studies and recommendations about integration and partnership working between organisations in health, housing and care. For example, do you know your Vanguard sites from the Better Care Fund?
Hospital & Care Pathways
Get up to speed with helpful resources and practice examples of at-home care and support. The examples illustrate how older people have returned home and regained their health and independence following a hospital admission.
Prevention & Reablement
Poor housing costs the NHS £1.4b a year. Read examples of cost savings and health benefits from a range of preventive housing interventions. For example, reducing the risk of falls or support to regain independence at home can save the NHS and other service millions of pounds.
Public Health
Public health is critical in supporting interventions that tackle health inequality. Find out how housing, preventing homelessness and environmental health can promote and sustain healthy lifestyles and increase healthy life expectancy.
Long Term Conditions
As people age the risk of developing long term conditions increases. Find out how best to develop your strategies to help people affected by conditions such as circulatory disease, diabetes, arthritis and respiratory conditions.
NHS Estate
It is estimated that £6b of NHS estate is surplus to requirements. You can access here the latest resources, guidance and examples of where former NHS land is surplus to local requirements due to service changes. Much is being converted to residential use.
Do we have the workforce to care for an ageing population? Find information on creative leadership, service innovation and workforce development to help meet outcomes that support care closer to home.
Health Exchange
This free online resource for practitioners working across housing, adult social care, public health and for primary care practitioners lists relevant policy and showcases examples of practice that have either helped to transform people's lives and/or improve local service delivery.
Healthy New Towns
The Housing LIN is involved in the consortia working with NHS England to develop Healthy New Town (HNT) guidance and support knowledge diffusion. We have created a selection of pages that provide background information on the HNT programme and the 10 demonstrator sites, as well as signpost to relevant thought-leadership, a range of tools and guidance, and examples of practice.
Key Resources
Improving Health and Care through the home: A National Memorandum of Understanding
The 2018 MoU commits all the signatories to build on previous successes to ensure that more joint working across housing, care and health services can impact positively on the experience of a greater number of people needing and using health and care services.
Pioneering Health and Housing Memorandum of Understanding
Under the Care Act there is a requirement for closer cooperation of services that support the health and wellbeing of those who may be in need of care and support. An emphasis is placed on greater integration between health and social services to deliver more person-centred outcomes.
Shaping the concrete before it sets: building effective health and housing partnerships - the leadership challenge
This Housing LIN Viewpoint 24 argues for greater partnership between housing and health agencies to promote the health of older people, people with disabilities and mental health needs.
Developing your local housing offer for health and care
Updated in 2016, this tool acknowledges the significance of housing as a partner and contributor to achieving the aims of health and social care services.
Closing the health gap - a gap worth closing: How housing can play its part in reducing health inequalities
This Housing LIN Practice Briefing equips housing, care and support practitioners, and public health teams, with ideas about practical actions they can take to reduce health inequalities.
Health and housing guides provide roadmap for integrated working
Public Health England (PHE) and the Housing Learning & Improvement Network (Housing LIN) have published three practical resources aimed at improving services around housing and end of life care, the built environment's role in promoting active ageing and on older people's alcohol misuse.
Quick Guide: Health and Housing - Transforming Urgent and Emergency Care Services in England
This is one of a series of online quick guides, supported by the Housing LIN, that provides practical tips and case studies to support health and care systems.
Health and housing: building the evidence base
This Housing LIN Report concludes that housing and related services can promote integrated care, save the NHS money and improve the patient experience.
Collaboration between Registered Providers and NHS Trusts: Building an asset
This Housing LIN Viewpoint no 31 sets out ways in which registered housing providers could increase the likelihood of success in bidding to acquire and develop NHS surplus land offered for sale.
Consultancy banner
Building on the Housing LIN’s learning and improvement ethos, we offer bespoke advice to help your organisation draw on the lessons highlighted on these pages. To find out how the Housing LIN can support your operational and/or strategic plans, please contact us at or visit our consultancy pages.
Latest Resources
- Design codes for health and wellbeing
- Implementing Good Home Hubs: The Demand, Costs, Finance and Delivery
- Ten questions concerning older people and a sustainable built environment
- Telecare National Action Plan, Protecting telecare users throughout the digital switchover journey
- Finding a safe home after hospital: Case study research on supported housing and health partnerships
- Housing and Ageing Alliance Spending Review submission
- Barriers at Home
- Learning from Severe Maladministration: Lessons from the Housing Ombudsman Service
- Innovating for independence: a win-win for health and social care
- Better Care Fund policy framework 2025 to 2026