New King's Fund Report - Reimagining community services: Making the most of our assets
This report from the King's Fund calls for a radical transformation services with 10 service design principles, in order to make the best use of assets in local communities.
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Reimagining community services: Making the most of our assets
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Had a very quick look at the report and am impressed with the range of alternatives it portrays. I was looking for references to housing and particularly housing configuration: it is urgent that we ensure that new housing design builds in good neighbourliness and mutual support. Cohousing and other forms of cooperative housing offer a massive buffer against loneliness and isoloation. But not a short term fix. That's what I'm working on! It's tough to make it happen but increasing numbers of social care commissioners are recognising the need to make better links with planning and housing teams within their local authorities. We need to ensure that long term well-being is considered at the design stage and not just when people get old/ill etc.