Foundations for well-being: reconnecting public health and housing.

This ScotPHN Report is the result of collaboration between a wide range of stakeholders to develop a ‘best practice resource’ to guide the public health and housing sectors in Scotland in their role in improving health and reducing inequalities through the provision of good housing.
The report addresses how public health colleagues can work within local organizational structures (such as Community Planning Partnerships and Integration Joint Boards) and influence national policy to this end.
This report focuses on opportunities for engagement and ways of working that enable public health colleagues to put that evidence to use.
The scope of the Report includes not only the quality of housing but also affordability, availability, and security of tenure. It also considers – in keeping with national policy priorities – the house as a setting of care and links to other strands of ScotPHN and NHS Health Scotland work on homelessness, fuel poverty, and adverse childhood experience. In particular, it dovetails with recent NHS Health Scotland briefings on homelessness and health, and housing and inequalities.