Reducing delayed transfers of care: Making better use of care at home

Old forum user 02/11/15 Partnership working

There has been a 104% rise in 15months to August 2015 in the number of delayed discharges due to a lack of care at home.

NHS England, the United Kingdom Homecare Association, Housing LIN and other partners worked together to produce a Quick Guide for winter 2015. 'Better Use of Care at Home' provides case studies, ideas and practical tips to commissioners, health
professionals and care providers on how to improve the relationships, processes and use of
homecare and housing support to help people home from hospital.

Care at home and housing support enables people to live independently and well in their preferred
environment for longer, providing continuity and familiarity through frequent close contact. It
plays an essential role in helping people return home, which should always be seen as the default

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