Health Dashboard

On this page we capture some data sets below used by health planners, commissioners, and providers to aid their strategic decision making, and a list of useful organisations where you can access relevant health data.

  • Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework (opens new window) ASCOF shows data about adult social care by local authority with adult social care responsibility area. It presents 'outcome measures' that may be of use to the housing with care such as quality of life indicators, preventing readmissions into hospital, receiving reablement services after leaving hospital and tackling delayed transfers of care.
  • Better Care Fund Planning (opens new window) The stated aim of this data is to help health and local authority commissioners to access data by area that can be used to better manage a patient's 'care pathways' and demand on non-elective admissions. The 2019/20 data provides aggregated data submitted nationally on the Better Care Fund planning template for the relevant BCF planning cycle.
  • Community Information Data Set (opens new window) Compiled by the Health and Social Care Information Centre, these pages provide high level data on a variety of patients clusters who are in contact with health services, including trends tracking episodes of hospital care. Of particular interest to the housing with care sector may by the Community Information Health, inpatient care frequency and/or Mental Health Minimum Data Sets.
  • Delayed transfer of care improvement tool (opens new window) This NHS Improvement tool has been developed to enable trusts, clinical commissioning groups and local authorities to understand where delayed transfers of care (DTOC) are in their area or system. It brings together data already submitted by NHS organisations and local authorities into an easy to use dashboard which as well as showing where their biggest DTOCs are, also allows tracking the progress of any actions.
  • Dementia Profile (opens new window) This online tool enables you to access data on the prevalence of dementia by local authority area and analyse trends. The profile has been developed by Public Health England to provide intelligence with which to inform the provision of care for people in England to aid diagnosis, support, live and die well with dementia.
  • English indicies of deprivation 2019: mapping resources (opens new window) The English Indices of Deprivation measure relative deprivation in small areas in England called lower-layer super output areas. The index of multiple deprivation is the most widely used of these indices. The mapping resources include a postcode mapping tool, local authority maps produced by MHCLG and a geopackage. Additionally, national statistics on the English indices of deprivation 2019 are available. (opens new window)
  • Health Assets (opens new window) These profiles have been produced to help local authorities undertake an asset based approach to health and wellbeing. Specifically the data presented in the tool can be used in local Joint Strategic Needs Assessments and provide a ‘snapshot’ of health within a local authority.
  • Health Profiles (opens new window) These profiles by Public Health England are designed to help local government and health services make decisions and plans to improve local people's health and reduce health inequalities. Produced annually, you can drill down local authority are to obtain a set of health indicators that show how the area compares to the national average.
  • Housing Health Cost Calculator (opens new window) The Housing Health Cost Calculator (HHCC) is a tool for calculating the health costs of hazards in homes, and the savings made where these have been mitigated or significantly reduced. The HHCC is one of a number of tools that we have developed to provide local authorities with the information they need to drive up public health standards and reduce costs. It details the cost savings to the NHS and wider society gained by both enforcement and improvement strategies - and allows these to be authoritatively demonstrated
  • Measures of National Wellbeing Dashboard: Quality of Life in the UK (opens new window) The data pulled together on this ONS Dashboard gives an overview of how the UK is doing across the 10 areas of life (or domains) relating to wellbeing, including from where we live and the environment to personal wellbeing and health.
  • NHS data on speciality treatments, services and health & wellbeing: NHS England have published data on speciality treatments (opens new window) from Clinical Outcomes Publications; on health & care services (opens new window) - which include care home inspection ratings, Friends and Family Test data on dentists and GP inspection ratings; Public Health Outcomes data (opens new window)with a range of indicators such as healthy older age, life expectancy and health inequalities.
  • NHS Atlas of Variation in Healthcare (opens new window) The Atlas is a collaboration with NHS England, Public Health England and NHS Right Care. It provides comprehensive data detailing widespread variation in the quality, cost, activity and health outcome of healthcare in the English NHS. It is accompanied by a companion tool that analyses and maps groups by locality and includes extended interpretation to highlight where local commissioners may wish to focus their pathway improvement efforts.
  • Office for National Statistics (opens new window) The Office for National Statistics (ONS) is the UK's national statistical institute and the largest producer of official statistics in the UK. Useful Census data in relation to demography (national/subnational population projections) and other health and social care indexes.
  • Spend and outcome tool (SPOT) (opens new window) SPOT is an interactive Excel took and pdf briefing that gives local authorities in England an overview of their spend and outcomes across key areas of business for public health. The tool allows the identification of areas requiring priority attention where shifts in investment will optimise local health gains and increase quality. It includes benchmark data that can help you analyse how a local authority or CCG is performing or build a case for investment. For example, it will be of interest to those working across housing and public health, in particular in relation to: spend on decent homes or homelessness.
  • Wider determinants of health (opens new window) This tool from the Office for Health Improvement and Disparity provide resources on the wider determinants of health and data on a range of indicators that provide intelligence to help take action to improve health outcomes and reduce health inequalities. It also includes data on the housing and the built environment.

For data on specific trends on housing for older people by local authority area, click here (opens new window) for our SHOP@ pages.

If there is relevant 'intelligence' that is freely available that you think would benefit Housing LIN members and should be included on this page, email us at: