Housing, hospital discharge and care pathways

Improvements in planned and unplanned care have resulted in patients experiencing better care. A good pathway back home may involve a short stay in specialised housing, adaptations/repairs to an existing home, equipment, short-term support or help to find a more suitable home. In addition, for people at the end of their life who wish to die at home the provision of support to enable this needs to be timely and coordinated.
The resources on these pages show ways in which housing related support can contribute to effective care pathways including those between a hospital stay and home or at end of life. Examples are included of housing support workers visiting people in hospital to discuss what they will need at home, individuals supported to avoid admission and to fulfil their wishes to die at home. Useful data on cost savings and other efficiencies are included along with an interactive map, or Home from Hospital Tool, which provides a directory of hospital discharge schemes.
For resources related to end of life care for people living with dementia click on Dementia Practice