New Models of Care - The Vanguard sites

In January 2015, NHS England invited individual organisations and partnerships to apply to become 'vanguard' sites for the new care models programme, one of the first steps towards delivering the NHS Five Year Forward View (opens new window) and supporting improvement and integration of services.
What are the Vanguards?
In March 2015, the first wave of 29 vanguard sites (opens new window) were chosen. There were three vanguard types - integrated primary and acute care systems; enhance health in care homes; and, multispecialty community provider vanguards.
In July, a second wave of 8 vanguards (opens new window) was announced, known as urgent and emergency care vanguards.
Of the 37 vanguard sites announced, several make reference to the inclusion of housing and/technology as part of the new pathways of delivering better integrated at home care and support. An early adopter was Wakefield. Read the Housing LIN case study, Transforming integrated care with telecare in Wakefield (opens new window).
NHS England Vanguard support package
NHS England have published an initial support package (opens new window) for the vanguards. Building on the best practice already being displayed, the support package is designed to be led by vanguard leaders alongside national experts, and aims to help the vanguards be as successful as possible in making the changes they are planning and helping to share learning and practice. For example, it includes information on how best to harness technology - supporting the vanguards to rethink how care is delivered.