Coronavirus Info Hub

Despite the government's planned easing of lockdown restrictions, Coronavirus is still a serious threat in the UK. It is therefore essential that those working in our sector remain fully aware of the continued risk of infection and the risk to both our own lives and the public at large. In recognition of this and the tremendous effort to support older and vulnerable adults in retirement and extra care housing, the Minister of State for Care, Helen Whately MP, met with sector leaders virtually last year and followed this up in a letter (opens new window) praising the sector for its' actions.
Subsequent national research undertaken by St Monica Trust and the Housing LIN, funded by the Dunhill Medical Trust, sets out how the retirement village and extra care housing sector in England responded to the impact of Covid during the first two national lockdowns to December 2020. The RE-COV Study shows that operators quickly introduced measures that protected their older residents and staff from infection and saved lives, especially at a time when care homes where being hit so badly. The report also reveals the considerable financial costs faced by operators and the difficulties experienced accessing PPE at the time, especially when the spotlight was on the NHS and care sectors. Read the Study’s findings in Retirement Village and Extra Care Housing in England: Operators’ Experience during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
For more information and view resources for those operating or commissioning specialist or supported housing for older and vulnerable adults, this 'Info Hub' is split into three sections. It signposts to relevant Housing LIN practice briefings, national government guidelines and other useful information for our sector so you can be kept up-to-date of the evolving situation, access support and take appropriate measures.
Below you will find
Housing LIN resources
Drawing on our and Housing LIN members’ experience and expertise, we are in regular touch with government officials providing insight and intelligence on how coronavirus is effecting our sector. We have also produced a series of more detailed COVID-19 practice briefings and other information on latest policy and practice developments. These can be accessed via the links below.
And read our Business Continuity statement below on how the Housing LIN is following the recommended guidelines in order to be responsible to ourselves, our family, friends, clients and the public at large, while at the same time continuing our online knowledge and information and support services.
Jon Foster, Director of Service Development at Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing blog: What I’ve learned about the importance of recovery after a crisis
- The Retirement Village and Extra Care Housing in England: Operators’ Experience during the COVID-19 Pandemic - RE-COV Study
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) - A Housing LIN practice briefing on specialist housing
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Tips for housing sector on end of life care
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Tips for the housing sector on supporting someone affected by dementia
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Top tips in Bereavement Care in Specialist Housing
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Changes to Welfare Benefits
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Supporting Residents in Retirement Housing and Extra Care Housing who experience Loneliness - An A-Z of examples
- COVID-19: Stay Networked with the Housing LIN – Our Business Continuity
- Jeremy Porteus blog: HAPPI Working from Home? Designing ‘work ready’ housing
If you require advice bespoke to your organisation’s circumstances and/or would like to talk through how the Housing LIN can support your organisation at this time, please contact us at For more about our consultancy services, visit:
Government guidelines and advice
Here are selection of guidance issued by government (including those in Wales and Scotland) that is relevant for our sector. We have divided them into the following 3 groupings:
Home, housing and homelessness
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance for social landlords on essential moves (opens new window)
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): admission and care of people in care homes (opens new window)
- COVID-19 and renting: guidance for landlords, tenants and local authorities (opens new window)
- Government advice on home moving during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak (opens new window)
- Closing certain businesses and venues (opens new window)
- Coronavirus: Housing support - House of Commons Briefing Paper (opens new window)
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): what you need to do (opens new window)
- Guidance: COVID-19 advice for accommodation providers (opens new window)
- Stay at home guidance for households with possible coronavirus infection (opens new window)
- Complete ban on evictions and additional protection for renters (opens new window)
- [Withdrawn] Guidance for supported living provision (opens new window)
- COVID-19: guidance for supported living (opens new window)
- £3.2 million emergency support for rough sleepers during coronavirus outbreak (opens new window)
- Housing Secretary sets out plan to re-start housing market (opens new window)
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): Community Infrastructure Levy guidance (opens new window)
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): Planning update (opens new window)
- Remediation and COVID-19: Building Safety update (opens new window)
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance for local government (opens new window)
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): letter to social housing residents (opens new window)
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): Working safely during Coronavirus (Other People's Homes) (opens new window)
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): Working safely during Coronavirus (Construction and Other Outdoor Work (opens new window)
- Press Release: 6000 new supported homes as part of landmark commitment to end rough sleeping (opens new window)
- Press Release: Dame Louise Casey calls on community partners to help with COVID-19 rough sleeping crisis (opens new window)
- Staying safe outside your home (opens new window)
- Dame Louise Casey's statement on coronavirus (COVID-19): 31 May 2020 (opens new window)
- Plans to ease guidance for over 2 million shielding (opens new window)
- Letter from Minister for Rough Sleeping on funding for emergency accommodation during the pandemic, and support for EEA rough sleepers (opens new window)
- COVID-19: Guidance for the safe use of multi-purpose community facilities (opens new window)
- COVID-19: guidance for hostel or day centres for people rough sleeping (opens new window)
- Next Steps Accommodation Programme (opens new window)
Care and support
- SCIE - Delivering safe, face-to-face adult day care (opens new window)
- LGA/ADASS Covid19 Briefing Note – Financial Aspects of Direct Payments and support for Personal Assistants (opens new window)
- COVID-19: how to work safely in care homes (opens new window)
- COVID-19: how to work safely in domiciliary care (opens new window)
- Covid-19: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Plan (opens new window)
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): adult social care action plan (opens new window)
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): providing unpaid care (opens new window)
- UK Government - Coronavirus: health and social care key issues and sources: Briefing Paper (opens new window)
- Hospital discharge information leaflet (opens new window)
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): hospital discharge service requirements (opens new window)
- Guidance on social distancing for everyone in the UK and protecting older people and vulnerable adults (opens new window)
- Guidance on residential care provision (opens new window)
- Guidance on home care provision (opens new window)
- £2.9 billion funding to strengthen care for the vulnerable (opens new window)
- Responding to COVID-19: the ethical framework for adult social care (opens new window)
- Guidance on supply and use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (opens new window)
- Government launches plan to tackle loneliness during coronavirus lockdown (opens new window)
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance for people receiving direct payments (opens new window)
- COVID-19: guidance for the public on mental health and wellbeing (opens new window)
- Government announces extension of testing eligibility to all care homes (opens new window)
- Overview of adult social care guidance on coronavirus (COVID-19) (opens new window)
- Care Quality Commission major report: COVID-19 Insight: Issue 4 (opens new window)
- Social Care Sector COVID-19 Support Taskforce: final report, advice and recommendations (opens new window)
NHS and Public Health
- Advance care planning guidance and template (opens new window)
- Covid-19: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Plan (opens new window)
- Caring for people at highest clinical risk from COVID-19: Background and FAQs for patients (opens new window)
- UK Government - Coronavirus: health and social care key issues and sources: Briefing Paper (opens new window)
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): hospital discharge service requirements (opens new window)
- Public Health England - Recommended PPE for primary, outpatient and community care by setting, NHS and independent sector (opens new window)
- Public Health England - COVID-19: guidance for the public on mental health and wellbeing (opens new window)
- NHS: Coronavirus guidance for clinicians and NHS managers (opens new window)
- Health Education England: Training resources on managing Covid-19 (opens new window)
- COVID-19: guidance on shielding and protecting people defined on medical grounds as extremely vulnerable (opens new window)
- Your hospital discharge: going home (opens new window)
- Infection prevention and control (opens new window)
- News story - Treasury cut taxes to reduce PPE costs (opens new window)
- COVID-19: guidance on shielding and protecting people defined on medical grounds as extremely vulnerable (opens new window)
- Public Health England: Notifications of infectious diseases (NOIDs) (opens new window)
- COVID-19: understanding the impact on BAME communities (opens new window)
- COVID-19: impacts on health - reports and tools (opens new window)
Other useful resources/links
Here we capture a selection of COVID-19 briefings and practice tools relevant for our sector, listed A-Z by organisation name.
- ADASS: Coronavirus (Covid-19) Response and Guidance Notes (opens new window)
- Age Scotland - Practical Ways to Help Older People (opens new window)
- Age UK - Coronavirus information and advice (opens new window)
- Age UK - Tips for staying at home (opens new window)
- Alzheimer's Society - Coronavirus: Information for people affected by dementia (opens new window)
- ARCO: Guidance and information on Covid-19 (opens new window)
- British Geriatrics Society: Managing the COVID-19 pandemic in care homes for older people (opens new window)
- BSI: Guidance on safe working during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Carers UK: Coronavirus guidance for Carers (opens new window)
- Centre for Ageing Better: Keeping people safe at home? What self-isolation means for those living in poor housing (opens new window)
- Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH): Supported housing…what we know so far (opens new window)
- Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH): Supporting tenants affected by COVID-19 who have rent arrears (opens new window)
- Citizens’ Advice: Helping people through the Covid-19 pandemic (opens new window)
- Community Housing Cymru - Coronavirus and Housing Associations: A guide (opens new window)
- Digital Social Care - COVID-19: Information Governance and Information Sharing Guidance (opens new window)
- Erosh briefing: Supporting Older People and Staff through Coronavirus (Covid-19) (opens new window)
- Health Foundation: Better housing is crucial for our health and the Covid-19 recovery
- Health Foundation: COVID-19 policy tracker (opens new window)
- Health Innovation Network: Activities for Older Adults During COVID19 (opens new window)
- Health Protection Scotland: COVID-19: Information and Guidance for Social or Community Care & Residential Settings (opens new window)
- Homeless Link: COVID-19 and Homelessness Frequently Asked Questions (opens new window)
- Housing and Dementia Research Consortium: COVID-19 Hub (opens new window)
- Housing Ombudsman Service: Guidance on best practice for landlords during Covid-19 (opens new window)
- LGA: Public mental health and wellbeing and COVID-19 (opens new window)
- LGA: Coronavirus: Information for councils (opens new window)
- LGA: COVID-19: rapid care technology deployment tool (opens new window)
- MICRA: COVID-19 and Social Exclusion: Experiences of older people living in areas of multiple deprivation
- Mental Health Foundation: Mental health advice for older people during the Coronavirus outbreak (opens new window)
- Mind: Coronavirus and your wellbeing (opens new window)
- National Housing Federation: Responding to coronavirus - resources for housing associations (opens new window)
- National Housing Federation: Updated coronavirus guidance for supported living (opens new window)
- National Housing Federation summary: Summary of current self-isolation guidance for staff (opens new window)
- National Housing Maintenance Forum: Covid-19: repairs and maintenance - Q&A briefing (opens new window)
- Office for National Statistics: Coronavirus and the social impacts on disabled people in Great Britain (opens new window)
- SCIE: COVID-19: Supporting autistic people and people with learning disabilities (opens new window)
- SCIE: Coronavirus (COVID-19) hub - advice for social care (opens new window)
- Scottish Commission for Learning Disability: Coronavirus Information (opens new window)
- Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA): COVID-19 Briefing Service Delivery (opens new window)
- Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA): COVID-19 Briefing Care and Support (opens new window)
- Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA): COVID-19 Briefing Housing Association Finance (opens new window)
- The Independent SAGE Report 6 - Disparities in the impact of COVID-19 in Black and Minority Ethnic populations: review of the evidence and recommendations for action (opens new window)
- TLAP: Covid-19: FAQs for individuals in receipt of a personal budget or personal health budget (opens new window)
- UK Collaborative Centre For Housing Evidence: Out of harm’s way? - Critical remarks on harm and the meaning of home during the 2020 COVID-19 social distancing measures (opens new window)
- WE Care & Repair: Coping with the Coronavirus situation (opens new window)