Healthy New Towns

NHS England’s Five Year Forward View identified new housing developments as an opportunity to rethink how health and social care services are provided to those communities. As part of their delivery plan they launched an ambitious new initiative to put health at the heart of new neighbourhoods and towns across the country.
The Housing LIN is a member of the consortia, led by the Town and Country Planning Association, working with NHS England that has helped to develop Healthy New Town (HNT) guidance for the housebuilding and health sectors to support knowledge diffusion. Other members of the group include the The King’s Fund and The Young Foundation.
As part of our commitment, we have created a selection of pages that provide background information on the HNT programme and the 10 demonstrator sites, as well as signpost to relevant thought-leadership, a range of tools and guidance, and examples of practice.
- About the Healthy New Towns Programme - An introduction into the Healthy New Towns Programme, identifying its aims and ambitions.
- The 10 HNT demonstrator sites - Links to all 10 demonstrator sites that aim to develop best practice, case studies and guidance to help ensure all new housing developments embed certain principles.
- Blogs and examples of practice - On this page you will find a selection of guest blogs published by the Housing LIN.
- Tools & guidance - On this page you will find a selection of tools and resources to help you make the link between housing and planning for better health outcomes.