Nearly ten years ago, the CLG launched the Rough Sleeping Strategy 'No One Left Out- Communities ending rough sleeping' (opens new window) (superceded by 'Vision to end rough sleeping: no second night out nationwide' (opens new window))
This outlined how people can become homeless for a number of reasons. It identified the groups of people, causes and demographics. Needs of homeless people ranged from low-level support to access housing and prevent long term rough sleeping, to those with complex longer-term support needs. There were 15 action points and the emphasis was on partnership working, including with health, social care, housing and homelessness agencies.
This section includes information on more recent key policy, case studies, examples of relevant practice, resources to support prevention,and examples of working with people who are homeless, addressing their wider needs and links to other sites.
The information is split into the following :
- Policy - "No One Left Out : Communities ending rough sleeping"
Including sub-sub-topics : - Mental Health and Homelessness
- Older Homeless people
For the latest on policy and publications visit the websites of Homeless link (opens new window) and the Department of Communities and Local Government (opens new window)
Other relevant resources
Key Homelessness Subjects
No One Left Out
Information on the key policy, No One Left Out, case studies, examples of practice, resources to support prevention,and examples of working with people, addressing their wider needs.
Mental health
Resources supporting improved partnerships between mental health and homelessness agencies.
Older Homeless People
Guidance on helping older homeless people, examples of needs audits, practical advice on meeting accommodation and other support needs.
Key resources
Vision to end rough sleeping: no second night out nationwide
This collection brings together all documents relating to the ministerial working group on preventing and tackling homelessness.
No One Left Out - Communities ending rough sleeping
This Housing LIN Briefing No28 provides a detailed summary of the Department for Communities and Local Government's (CLG) Rough Sleepers' strategy "No One Left Out: Communities ending rough sleeping"
Healthy hostels, healthy lifestyles for hostel residents
Housing LIN Report - A guide to improve the health and well-being of homeless and vulnerable people. This guide describes the health problems faced by homeless people and how to improve their health, especially people living in hostels.
The prevention of homelessness in older people
This homeless link guidance is about preventing homelessness in older age. Homelessness prevention is high on the government agenda and on the agenda of local authorities and other housing providers.
Latest Resources
- Housing in Wales: Evidence for Welsh Government 2021-26
- Chief Medical Officer's Annual Report 2024: Health in Cities
- Older People’s Housing Preferences
- How could primary care services prevent homelessness?
- Housing LIN Case Study (No. 174) - More's Meadow Almshouses: A community-led development in Cambridgeshire
- Measuring the Wellbeing and Fiscal Impacts of Housing for Older People
- Locked out: Intergenerational unfairness in the housing market
- The effectiveness of government in tackling homelessness
- Evaluation of the Out-of-Hospital Care Models Programme for People Experiencing Homelessness
- Exploring what works well and less well in a community-based drop-in model providing health and wellbeing services for people experiencing homelessness: An evaluation of the Joseph Cowen Health Centre