In 2008 the Department for Communities and Local Government's (CLG) launched the Rough Sleepers' strategy, 'No One Left Out: Communities ending rough sleeping' (opens new window). It acknowledges that getting someone off the street and into their own home, and preventing rough sleeping in the first place, involves more than just finding accommodation.
The intention is to work with partners to end rough sleeping by 2012. Alongside partners in health, housing and social care, the aim is for people to get the help they need, so no one has to sleep rough. People who have slept rough will be supported to improve their health, consider employment options and rebuild their lives.
People who end up on the streets have very different needs, and there are different challenges in different parts of the country. Most adults who experience sleeping rough simply need a place to live or some help to reconcile with family or friends or get into employment. Others have much deeper problems: people with multiple needs living chaotic lives.
This section will have resources to support implementation and partnership working to support people off the streets . It will include resources produced directly to support the strategy, case studies, briefings and information on developments in key areas of work. It includes a link to the HLIN briefing and the Strategy.
This topic is also divided into three sub-topics: