Supported Housing

Individuals who become vulnerable may need support to enable them to continue living in their own homes, including access to Supported Housing. This support can take a wide variety of forms of housing provision and is sometimes part of a wider package of commissioned housing-related support, health and/or social care.

With the Supported Housing (Regulatory Oversight) Act (opens new window) setting a framework for new standards and obligations for the supported housing and older person’s housing sector, the resources listed below - including policy guidance, tools and examples of good practice - should be helpful to local authority, NHS commissioners and supported housing operators or providers of housing related support services.

Housing support can be offered as an integral part of a tenancy, lease or home ownership, for example in Extra Care or sheltered housing. You will find resources related to Extra Care (including sheltered housing) on the Extra Care pages.

You will also find some resources that are specific to particular service user groups on relevant pages (Dementia, Mental Health, Physical Disability, Learning Disability, Older People)

Building on the Housing LIN’s learning and improvement ethos, we offer bespoke advice to help your organisation draw on the lessons highlighted on these pages. To find out how the Housing LIN can support your operational and/or strategic plans, please contact us at or visit our consultancy pages.