Strategic Housing for Older People Briefing Papers
Written for the Housing Learning and Improvement Network by the Institute of Public Care, these 3 Briefing Papers provide a concise overview of key issues highlighted in our joint ADASS/Housing LIN resource pack, 'Strategic Housing for Older People: Planning, designing and delivering housing that older people want'.
Market Position Statements and the accommodation needs of older people (pdf - 1.15Mb) (opens new window)
This paper is primarily aimed at local authority commissioners and has as its focus how to ensure the development of a diversity of supply of housing through the use of Market Position Statements (MPS). It considers: The purpose and content of a MPS that focuses on the accommodation needs of older people. How to develop a MPS that effectively involves and promotes a diverse quality market in housing suitable for older people.
Health, Wellbeing and the Older People's Housing Agenda (pdf - 949Kb) (opens new window)
This paper is aimed primarily at Health and Wellbeing Board members and seeks to support them in their understanding of: The impact of poor housing on the health and wellbeing outcomes of older people. The strategic approaches they can take to influence the provision of housing and housing related services to improve the health and wellbeing of their older population.
Making Best Use of our Sheltered Housing Asset (pdf - 844Kb).pdf (opens new window)
This paper is aimed at both providers and commissioners of housing for older people, to help them to: Understand and be clear how sheltered housing can help meet health and wellbeing outcomes of older people.Review their sheltered housing to assess its fitness to meet the future housing needs and aspirations of older people. Consider the range of options for change and decide on the best approach locally.