SHOP Resource Pack: Section A. Older People and Housing - understanding demand and supply in the older person's housing market
This section provides and introduction to Strategic Housing for Older People (SHOP) and explores the wider policy context and drivers for planning, designing and delivering housing for older people. In particular, it contains 3 overarching briefing papers and a set of 6 practical tools and resources to enable commissioners, planners and funders understand the older people's housing market and meet the housing needs and aspirations that older people want.
SHOP Resource Pack: Section A (pdf - 3.79Mb) (opens new window)
This download contains all of the papers and tools listed below.
Paper A1: Older People and Housing (pdf - 309Kb) (opens new window)
For a comprehensive overview of the drivers for change: the demography, the key characteristics to meet the needs and aspirations of older people and the implications for commissioners and providers.
Paper A2: Understanding local demand from older people for housing, care and support (pdf - 1.54Mb) (opens new window)
For key facts, trends and projecting the demand for what accommodation older people want.
Paper A3: Understanding the local market for older people's housing, care and support (pdf - 1.25Mb) (opens new window)
For key facts, trends and reviewing the market across mainstream and specialist housing, community and neighbourhood, planning and delivery of care.
Paper A4: Tools and resources, A1 - A6 (pdf - 359Kb) (opens new window)
A collection of the tools and resources that form part of Section A of the Strategic Housing for Older People Resource Pack.
A1. Review housing need and demand amongst older people - a checklist (pdf - 104Kb) (opens new window)
This checklist aims to provide a framework from which a basic population review can be conducted.
A2. Data sources for help in estimating need and demand and understanding the market (pdf - 123Kb) (opens new window)
This table sets out some of the potential sources of data which could be considered when compiling data around health and wellbeing generally, as well as how it relates to estimating housing need.
A3. Conducting focus groups with pre-retirement populations designed to explore their responses to future problems as they age (pdf - 109Kb) (opens new window)
This tool describes an approach for conducting focus groups with pre-retirement populations.
A4. Assessing the capacity in current sheltered housing to meet future needs (pdf - 111Kb) (opens new window)
This checklist is designed to improve the understanding of existing sheltered housing provision and the contribution it could make to delivering strategic outcomes for the older population.
A5. Developing an Accommodation Strategy (pdf - 110Kb) (opens new window)
This tool provides a template for developing a strategy that encompasses the future role of residential care, of extra care and sheltered housing and housing support services, such as care and repair or assistive technology.
A6. Developing a Market Position Statement for housing for older people (pdf - 118Kb) (opens new window)
This tool sets out what a Market Position Statement should contain in relation to current and future provision.
About the Strategic Housing for Older People (SHOP) Resource Pack
Planning, designing and delivering housing that older people want.