DH ECH Fund 2010 - 11
Following the Department of Health announcement on 24th February 2010 that every council with adult social care responsibility (CASCR) is to receive a small grant allocation to further develop their extra care housing strategies and investment plans, the Department of Health have issued a Circular which includes further details of these arrangements on 29th March 2010.
The 2010 Local Authority Circular (LAC) (opens new window) sets out the funding arrangements to be given to CASCRs in the coming financial year, in particular, to meet the third year of the Putting People First objectives. £30m has been set aside for CASCRs to meet their 2010/2011 milestones. In addition, the LAC confirms an additional £20,000 per CASCRs for Extra Care Housing purposes and specifically states that this money should be used as follows:
- to produce, or review, their extra care housing strategy with the aim of enhancing the housing with care for older people, including people with dementia;
- to invest in capital projects that achieve demonstrable improvements in extra care environments that further facilitate independent living, such as installing telecare, aids and adaptations, and/or undertaking scheme remodelling or refurbishment; or
- to work collaboratively regionally or pan-regionally to develop extra care housing