Older People and Housing
The government's independent Older People's Housing Taskforce report puts the market for mainstream and specialist housing for older people and how it meets the diverse needs and preferences of people in later life firmly in the spotlight.
These pages include resources that enable you to develop housing for older people strategies, forecast future demand, provide examples of age-friendly good practice in meeting the diverse housing and care needs of older populations, as well as information about involving older people in service design, development and evaluation.
Key Older People Subjects
Resources about design of general housing and extra care provision to meet the needs of older people.
User Involvement
Information about involving older people in service development and evaluation.
Diversity Matters
How to make housing services responsive to the needs of older people from black & minority ethnic and LGBT+ groups.
Policy advice on national, regional and local housing strategies for older people, plus examples of regional/local strategies.
Policy and examples of types of housing related support including telecare, personal support and workforce/staffing.
Health & wellbeing
How to promote the social and mental wellbeing and social inclusion of older people through housing support.
Ways to respond to individual circumstances, including individual budgets, equity based products and dignity.
Resources that suggest good practice in planning to meet the needs of older populations both through support related to general housing and to more specialized provision.
Key resources
Ageing Better – Transforming Later Lives
The Centre for Ageing Better has announced it will focus on achieving ambitious goals in four areas to help society make the most of the social and economic opportunities presented by people living for longer and to help those most at risk of missing out on a good later life.
Future of an ageing population: evidence review
This report from Foresight, Government Office for Science examples what are the likely changes in society and technology which will impact upon the ability of older adults to maintain social (extra-familial) networks of support now, in 2025 and in 2040.
JRF Better Life Programme
This five-year programme aim was to explore what can help older people with high support needs to improve their quality of life. It identified good practice and challenges within existing models and sought out promising alternative approaches. The entire body of work is available here.
Growing Older Together: An Overview of Collaborative Forms of Housing for Older People
This Housing LIN Case Study Report shows how collaborative models of service delivery for older people are now being widely adopted in the heath and care sectors and suggests that housing could do more to embrace this.
Growing Older Together: the development and promotion of resident-led models of housing with care for older people
This Housing LIN Practice Briefing outlines the work being undertaken to capture examples of practice of resident-led housing for older people.
Generation Stuck: Exploring the Reality of Downsizing in Later Life
This ILC report explores older peoples' attitudes towards moving, the pros and cons of downsizing and provides evidence to help inform the public debate about the role of housing stock held by older people.
Consultancy banner
Building on the Housing LIN’s learning and improvement ethos, we offer bespoke advice to help your organisation draw on the lessons highlighted on these pages. To find out how the Housing LIN can support your operational and/or strategic plans, please contact us at consultancy@housinglin.org.uk or visit our consultancy pages.
Latest Resources
- Deputy PM responds positively to 'Creating homes we want to grow old in' report
- Design codes for health and wellbeing
- Falls and their impact on social housing: RoSPA toolkit
- Digital Inclusion Action Plan: First Steps
- Moving towards an age-friendly UK: Age-friendly Communities impact report
- Better homes, better lives: The role of home improvement services in boosting the nation’s health and wellbeing
- Implementing Good Home Hubs: The Demand, Costs, Finance and Delivery
- Mind the age gap: making mental health matter across the life course
- Ten questions concerning older people and a sustainable built environment
- Supported Housing regulation: consultation