What examples are there of housing-related services for people with dementia?
Extra Care and Supported Housing - There are many examples of innovative Extra Care for people with dementia. Some example include:
- Newcastle Care Partnership - More than Bricks and Mortar - This Housing LIN Case Study No30 describes the work of the Dementia Care Partnership. It provides a complementary range of specialist services for people with dementia and their carers including home support, day services, short breaks and supported houses in Newcastle. A registered charity and limited company, the partnership has strong underpinning values that permeate its services.
Floating support for people with dementia (opens new window) has been commissioned jointly by three localo authorities in the South West. This service specification and case study will be of interest to authorities and providers interested in developing similar services. The service is provided by Rethink, a membership charity.
Specialist domiciliary care - Housing LIN Case Study No13 - Home care services for people with dmentia in Poole (opens new window) describes a home care service for people with dementia in Poole. It aims to provide appropriate home care services for people with dementia and their families, through the deployment of a specially trained staff team and additional, flexible support to meet individual needs.
For further information visit the Housing LIN "Housing and Dementia" webpages