Law Commission consultation on deprivation of liberty: summary and key questions for housing providers
The Law Commission's consultation on mental capacity and deprivation of liberty (opens new window) closes on the Monday, 2 November 2015. The proposals are relevant to the housing sector, particularly those who provide supported housing of any description. These useful Key questions for housing providers (opens new window) by Sue Garwood outlines the key features of the Law Commission's proposals and has identified some issues and questions of particular relevance to the sector.
In addition, Sue Garwood has prepared a tabular summary (opens new window) of those aspects of the Law Commission's proposals that are likely to be of relevance and interest to the housing sector. This represents her own understanding of the proposals and her assessment of what is important to the sector. It is a complex area of law and neither Sue nor the Housing LIN can guarantee its accuracy and it is certainly not intended to be a complete resume of all the Commission's proposals.
Also included below is the presentation "Review of deprivation of liberty safeguards" given by Tim Spencer Lane to two special housing events on deprivation of liberty. Tim is the Law Commission's project lead, and this presentation outlines the key elements of the Commission's proposals for arrangements to replace those currently in place.