Mental Capacity Act

The Mental Capacity Act 2005 clarifies the legal position of those providing help or services to people who may lack the capacity to take certain actions or decisions for themselves. It defines key principles which must be applied: presumption of capacity; supporting individuals to make their own decisions; freedom to make unwise decisions; always acting in the person's best interests; and using the least restrictive option. The Act provides a test to assess someone's capacity to make a particular decision.
It also provides mechanisms such as Lasting Power of Attorney and advance decisions which help individuals retain control in the event of future loss of mental capacity.
An understanding and implementation of the Act is essential for people working with those living with dementia. The Act and code of practice apply to all staff working with people who may lack capacity.
And if you or your organisation require training, we have teamed up with 360 Degrees Training to exclusively offer an extremely inter-active course, covering all that staff need to know in respect of working with people who might, at some time in their lives, lack capacity. Learn more at: Introduction to the Mental Capacity Act 2005 or email us at: (opens new window).
Resources listed below are split between 'General MCA information' and 'Housing specific MCA information'