Housing and physical disability
These pages provide a selection of good practice resources and research on housing for people with physical disabilities and measures to improve accessibility in the built environment and service design.
Key resources
External Review of Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) and Other Adaptations
Commissioned by the Department of Health this independent review of Disabled Facilities Grants contains 45 recommendations for government in order to improve and overhaul the delivery of DFGs and home adaptations.
In the loop? Ten things managers of Extra Care Housing should know about hearing loops
This Housing LIN Viewpoint looks at hearing loops, and what staff at Extra Care Housing schemes need to know about them.
A Progressive Approach to Accessible Housing
This Housing LIN Viewpoint, written by Julia Park, Levitt Bernstein Architects, proposes a way of accommodating accessible housing within a more progressive approach to building design and related standards that can meet a diverse range of housing needs.
Going for broke with personalisation - new approaches to housing with support for people with disabilities
This Housing LIN Case Study gives a high level view at the introduction of a housing brokerage service in Essex and identifies the key phases and activities that took place.
Turning the corner: managing the use of mobility vehicles from a housing perspective
This Housing LIN Case Study highlights the key issues and findings from a research project commissioned by First Wessex, a Hampshire-based housing association, to research and develop design and management options for older and disabled people to use or continue to use Mobility Vehicles.
Daylighting in Older People's Housing
This guide by Thomas Pocklington Trust and the University of Manchester, highlights the power of design for daylighting to improve the lives of people with sight loss.
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Building on the Housing LIN’s learning and improvement ethos, we offer bespoke advice to help your organisation draw on the lessons highlighted on these pages. To find out how the Housing LIN can support your operational and/or strategic plans, please contact us at consultancy@housinglin.org.uk or visit our consultancy pages.
Latest Resources
- Disabled People in the Housing Sector: Government Response
- Falls and their impact on social housing: RoSPA toolkit
- Barriers at Home
- Learning from Severe Maladministration: Lessons from the Housing Ombudsman Service
- Innovating for independence: a win-win for health and social care
- Better Care Fund policy framework 2025 to 2026
- Housing in Wales: Evidence for Welsh Government 2021-26
- Building Health Equity: The Role of The Property Sector in Improving Health
- Older People’s Housing Preferences
- Cold homes in Wales: Is the satisfactory heating regime appropriate for health and well-being?