Planning Obligations and Community Infrastructure Levy

The financial complexities and particular elements which are specific to specialist housing developments can make planning obligations unaffordable and more difficult to apply. Discussions with planning, housing and adult social care departments will be necessary at the very least with regard to this issue.

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is charged on the basis of floorspace therefore charges will depend on which use class developments fall under. See the Retirement Housing Group (RHG) paper in response to CIL and specific issues arising from retirement housing for more information:

Further information is provided on CIL in the publication 'Housing for Later Life: Planning Ahead for Specialist Housing for Older People' (opens new window) (December 2012).

And finally, with the government's emphasis on Starter Homes, read the briefing on the impact for specialist housing for older people and exemption arrangements for off-site contributions.