Promoting the Planning Benefits of Schemes and Addressing Concerns

There are many benefits of specialised housing for older people, in order to support planning applications for specialist housing schemes for older people it is imperative to highlight the benefits a scheme can offer. These benefits are widely acknowledged across a range of academic research and many other publications.
- Relieving pressures on publicly funded care homes and care services.
- Wide range of on-site facilities and services, alleviating social isolation.
- Allowing people to retain independence for as long as possible.
- Creation of jobs.
- Improving the choice of specialist accommodation and care for people in the locality.
- Meeting people's care needs in their own home and tailored to their individual requirements. Avoiding the necessity for premature occupation of residential care home facilities.
- Releasing under-occupied properties in the locality for occupation by families.
- Enabling "ageing in place".
- Realising the Government objective of expanding choice for older people.
Further information can be found in the following resources:
- 'Continuing Care Retirement Communities (CCRCs) a Guide to Planning (opens new window)', Robin Tetlow/JRF (2006)
- 'CCRCs a Guide to Planning Update (opens new window)', Robin Tetlow/JRF (2007)
- 'CCRCs: A Guide to Planning (opens new window)', Robin Tetlow/JRF (2008)
- 'Planning and Delivering Continuing Care Retirement Communities (opens new window)', Rosie Rogers (2011)