Local Plans / Supplementary Planning Documents

Local plans guide development at the local level in England. However, there is generally a lack of policy guidance from local planning authorities related specifically to specialist housing. There are occasionally policies relating to care homes but as new Local Plans emerge there are increasingly policies relating to 'specialist housing' which will need to be complied with.

Some authorities are issuing Supplementary Planning Documents on Extra Care Housing or make reference to housing for older people in the Strategic Housing Market Assessments.

In London, the Greater London Authority have published the following reports to help guide development:

Other examples include:

However, there is currently no specific process for allocation of land for extra care or specialised housing at the local planning authority level (Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessments (SHLAAs), generally currently only look at land for residential use) but there is scope for SHLAAs to look at land available for specialist housing for older people and is being encouraged. Indeed the Toolkit: 'Housing in Later Life' suggests this is a priority for Local Planning Authorities.

Furthermore, to help planners, commissioners and developers to better understand the market for housing for older people across all tenure, the Housing LIN - in partnership with Elderly Accommodation Council - have developed a useful free online Strategic Housing for Older People Analysis Tool (SHOP@) (opens new window) to aid forecast demand and supply by 2030 in their area

Further information on local level experience of specialist older people's housing can be found in "Knitting Together (opens new window)".